Friday, June 21, 2019

Mythology and Folklore

     Our ancient religious texts and epics give a good insight into the water storage and conservation systems prevailing in those days. For instance, the sage Narad during his visits to different kingdoms would invariably enquire about the state of the ponds and other water bodies and whether these had enough water for the population. In the Ramayana, Lord Hanuman is wonder struck by the beauty and grandeur of Lanka especially its well-maintained lakes, baolis, wells, gardens, orchards and forests.

     In our villages there are countless stories from mythology, folklore and songs extolling the glory of our sacred rivers and lakes. The story of Bhagirathi single handedly training the mighty Ganga has been told from generation to generation.

     By all accounts, there was no water problem in those days and every household could meet its minimum water requirements through these rudimentary local water collection and management measures. It was this basic infrastructure, which served as the foundation for building large and powerful empires. 

     World history, as indeed our own, is replete with instances of rise and fall of empires and civilizations as the direct result of the strength or weakness of this foundation. Let us go back in time and take a quick view of entire water scenario in a historical perspective, ponder over the present water crises and draw lesson for future course of action.