Friday, June 21, 2019

Historical Overview

     India is a country with very deep historical roots and strong cultural traditions. These are reflected in our social fabric and institutions of community life. In spite of social movements of varied nature through the millennia we have retained the spirit and essence of these traditions and have remained attached to our roots. Some of our traditions, evolved and developed by our forefathers thousands of years age have played an important role in different spheres of life. Most important among these is the tradition of collecting, storing and preserving water for various uses.

     It all started at the dawn of civilization with small human settlements coming up on the banks of rivers and streams. When due to vagaries of nature the rivers and streams dried up or the flow dwindled, they moved away to look for more reliable sources of water. In due course of time large settlements came up along perennial rivers that provided plentiful water. As the population increased, settlements developed into towns and cities and agriculture expanded, techniques were developed to augment water availability by collecting ans storing rain water, tapping hill and underground springs and water from snow and glacier melt etc. Water came to be regarded as precious and its conservation and preservation was sanctified by religion. Various religious, cultural and social rituals prescribed, interalia, purification and cleansing with water. Water itself had many applications in different rituals. 

     Development of reliable sources of water like, storage reservoirs, ponds, lakes, irrigation canals. Came to by regarded as an essential part of good governance. Emperors and Kings not only build these on their own. Wide-ranging laws were made to regulate their construction and maintenance and for conservation and perseveration of water and its proper distribution and use.


  1. Very helpful. information. very good. thanks.

  2. Very Precious information... Thanks for sharing it with us...

  3. πŸ‘very interesting , good job and thanks for helpful information

  4. very interesting , good job and thanks for helpful information πŸ‘
